I’m Alexander Molano Santiago, an 18-year old and life-long resident of Bayamón, Puerto Rico. Currently, I’m a student of the Computer Engineering Articulated Transfer Program, between the Río Piedras and the Mayagüez campuses of the University of Puerto Rico; which, later on, I will combine with a Civil Engineering bachelor’s degree (definition used in Puerto Rico and the U. S. A.) and graduate studies for Civil Engineering. At best, I’d either be working with mass rail transport and/or create a Civil Engineering studies program focused on railroad transportation, or develop any that may exist, at the Mayagüez campus of the UPR. Backing up these academic and professional pursuits, I have a rather successful academic past, starting all the way with preschool, encompassing elementary, middle and high school, and still ongoing in my university studies.
When not dedicating myself to my studies, I usually spend my time with computer recreational activities (web searcings, art sites, some videogames, online chatting, among others), sometimes visual arts (including drawing, painting and costume-making), as well as occasional inner tourism elsewhere in Puerto Rico. I also enjoy politics, history, cartography, engineering (mainly civil) topics, arcane arts and providing aid. As for what I dislike, this includes parties, sports (except maybe archery, which I would like to practice), pranks in general (either performing or receiving them), stubborn ignorance and discrimination due to unjustified reasons (this includes almost all kinds of discrimination), and waking up early.
As for what I’d like to do later in my life, other than being a civil/computer engineer, I’m interested in having a political career, becoming a father and perhaps creating a Great Atlas of Puerto Rico. Regarding the first, I’d start in either the Department of Transportation and Public Works of Puerto Rico or the Planning Board of Puerto Rico, then as mayor of either Bayamón or Mayagüez, perhaps as a member of the Legislature of Puerto Rico and culminating as governor of Puerto Rico. Regarding fatherhood, it would be something I’d start somewhat later in my life but that I still would greatly love to achieve. Regarding the last major goal, I’d like to publish a book of that kind, as the Atlases of Puerto Rico currently available are overall really deficient in depth, variety and are often outdated. As a person fond of details, doing something like this would make it comply with all of these characteristics.
As for my ideologies, I’m in favor of Puerto Rican independence, somewhat religious but not detached from organized religions; prefer social democratic governments and social justice in general, and I support the ongoing UPR student struggle. When it comes to my personality, I’d say I’m somewhat of an introvert: I prefer to spend quality time with a few people at a time, or in silent loneliness. Still, this doesn’t mean I’m a shy person—in fact; it often happens that I’m the one who gets others to set shyness aside. I’m also an overall serious person, and my silly and jolly side tends to be reserved for those whom I trust the most. If you have a hard time getting along with intellectuals, then I may not be the most suitable companion to you. Despite all of this, I’d still be glad to know and befriend others.
You don't seem to be that much of an introvert! ;-) Great photo!